02 novembre 2010


Hi reader's,

I have a great announcement in this period where security measures for government are important for the safety of all of us.

After many years spend to deliver solution's that meet business, we realise that "one word" is always at the bases of our deliverable: SECURITY.

These last month, we focus and look behind our solution's about :  Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability . We came to the conclusion that a lot of effort/work is to plan to deliver this to everyone.

We create a new company "Sec4Bizz" aimed to help any company to secure their business, from startup to major.


19 juillet 2010

Installing Ubuntu 10.4 under Hyper-V R2

I'm currently testing Ubuntu as a cloud client ...

For my test I had to use Hyper-V as an host hypervisor.

I noticed that even if the virtual machine "addition" (understand "drivers")  are built-tin in the distribution 10.4, they are not active by default.

Read more if you want to know how to proceed to have a full Ubuntu 10.4 under Hyper-V R2

15 juillet 2010

Windows 2008 R2 - Active Directory

These last week, I had the same question :
What’s new about Active Directory in Windows 2008 R2.
Well, some of you have probably already read this page : http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/ad-main.aspx

Ok, now here’s my own opinion about the topic.

12 juillet 2010

Exchange 2010, a new Dumpster 2.0

I noticed when discussing about Exchange 2010, that many of us didn't noticed that for new feature about archiving and retention (much more visible) a new version of the dumpster is the key.

06 mai 2010

Session MyTIC : Le Cloud Computing au service du Green IT.

MyTIC, le premier Groupe Francophone  d’Utilisateurs des technologies Microsoft, (www.mytic.be) vous invite ce mardi 25 mai 2010 à assister à son événement gratuit dans la salle « Vivace » du Bureau Economique de la province de Namur (BEP) à Namur.

12 mars 2010

MyTIC : SharePoint2010

MyTIC vous invite à découvrir les nouvelles fonctionnalités de Sharepoint 2010, le 23 mars prochain dans les locaux du BEP. Sharepoint est la plateforme Microsoft permettant la mise en place de portail Web de gestion de contenu collaborative. Elle propose de la gestion de contenu web, de la gestion électronique de documents, la mise en place de forums, la possibilité de créer des formulaires, des statistiques décisionnelles BI ...

04 mars 2010

Booting from VHD

I have a lab based on Hyper-V but for mobile testing I would be able to run different configuration on my laptop. Virtual PC could be a solution but unfortunatly 64 bits guest OS is not possible.
The solution I choosed is a multiboot but test OS are stored in VHD.
This will work even your laptop is not Intel-VT or AMD-V

11 janvier 2010

MyTIC : Aperçu de la nouvelle version du logiciel de développement Visual Studio 2010

MyTIC, le premier Groupe Francophone d’Utilisateurs des technologies Microsoft, (http://www.mytic.be/) vous invite ce jeudi 04 Février 2010 à assister à son deuxième événement gratuit dans le cadre prestigieux du MIC (Microsoft Innovation Center) près de Mons.

06 janvier 2010

Hyper-V Live Migration using SRDF/CE

All the credits of this post goes to Hypervoria !: http://hypervoria.com/hyper-v/hyper-v-live-migration-using-srdf-ce.aspx

John Toner: Here's a video demonstration about using Hyper-V Live Migration in a SRDF/CE cluster, SRDF/CE is is EMC’s geographically dispersed clustering software. SRDF/CE is an EMC proprietary product that is used to integrate EMC’s SRDF technology with MSCS You might notice that we are not using CSVs in this demo as SRDF/CE does not currently support CSVs. I'll write more on that topic later on when I find the time.

Direct link to the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5Hhzay4Dqs