19 juillet 2010

Installing Ubuntu 10.4 under Hyper-V R2

I'm currently testing Ubuntu as a cloud client ...

For my test I had to use Hyper-V as an host hypervisor.

I noticed that even if the virtual machine "addition" (understand "drivers")  are built-tin in the distribution 10.4, they are not active by default.

Read more if you want to know how to proceed to have a full Ubuntu 10.4 under Hyper-V R2

15 juillet 2010

Windows 2008 R2 - Active Directory

These last week, I had the same question :
What’s new about Active Directory in Windows 2008 R2.
Well, some of you have probably already read this page : http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/ad-main.aspx

Ok, now here’s my own opinion about the topic.

12 juillet 2010

Exchange 2010, a new Dumpster 2.0

I noticed when discussing about Exchange 2010, that many of us didn't noticed that for new feature about archiving and retention (much more visible) a new version of the dumpster is the key.